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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

6. Personality Type

   What type(s) of personality do I have? Results from my personality quiz showed that I'm artistic and investigative. I can prove this because I like the arts. Earlier, I stated that I liked music. I also enjoy other types of art too, like painting and sketching. I can also be dramatic at times, and I enjoy role-playing games. I'm investigative because I like finding out how things work. I do this mainly by reading and researching which I enjoy (and I've also said in previous posts). I also do this sometimes by taking apart things and putting them together, like I sometimes do in class, with my pens and pencils. 

What careers would suit my results?

Engineer and artist I'm sure are careers that you could understand. I also chose biologist because I like the study of living things, and dissecting things to me is kind of like finding out of a system works, which is investigative :) .

A sketch I did years ago..

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