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Thursday, July 5, 2012

4. Multiple Intelliences

   What sort of Intelligences do I possess? I have Logical, Musical, and Interpersonal intelligences. As I said in myy previous post, I'm a good problem solver, this is similar to being logical, as in, I use my common sense to judge and solve problems. Friends also find that I'm someone who they can easily talk to, and I usually try my best to relate back, so I'm interpersonal. I'm also musical because I'm good a music and musical instruments (although, I can't sing to save my life... :o ). I enjoy playing my piano and my guitar, and I sometimes create my own music.

   What careers would suit my results? 
-Lawyer (to use my logical common sense) 
-Cousellor (to give people advice; interpersonal)
My guuuiiatttarrss.

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