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Sunday, July 8, 2012

1. Achievements

 What am I proud of? That is the question. To answer it, I say, it has to be my academic achievements. Having parents that are strict, in that I have to get high marks, really drove me to try my best to do well in school. Some of it is out of fear of punishment, but mainly its because I have to think about my future. I can support that I am proud of my achievements because I was very happy to get 90s in Math, Science, and Geography (English..not so much :P), as well as when I got Academic Excellence in Grade 8. 

 What careers would suit my results? 
-University Professor 

It's because I'm doing well in school now, I could choose a job that lets me help others do well as well.

Christian Leadership - Academic Excellence

Saturday, July 7, 2012

2. Interests

   Hands-on, people, or information? Well, to be honest, I like to think of myself as alittle bit of all. However, you can find that I'm mostly an Information type of person. To support this, I can say that I love reading. Reading comes naturally to me, and I find it a great passtime. I can read anything from encylopedias, to "Lord of the Rings", to the Farmers Almanac. I also enjoy the "research" part of a project as I find I can learn many interesting things. I'm also abit of a Hands-on person as I like things like fishing and landscaping. I can also be a People person because, I'm a good listener and can connect to people easily. 

What careers would suit my results?
-Librarian (surrounded by books all day) 


Friday, July 6, 2012

3. Skills

   What are my skills? I have skills in the following categories: Organizing, Numerical, and  Problem Solving. I like organizing because it means that if I'm the organizer, I can get things done my way, instead of someone elses way.  I also try my best to keep to a schedule,  but try to remain flexible too. I have numerical skills as I'm pretty good at math and could handle situations dealing with numbers. Ex. money managing.  I am a good problem solver as I am a fan of puzzles and all that good stuff. Plus, friends come to me seeking advice.

What careers would suit my results?
-Event Organizer

Banker for Numerical, event organizer for Organizing, and psychologist for Problem Solving. 
Mathematics... >.>

Thursday, July 5, 2012

4. Multiple Intelliences

   What sort of Intelligences do I possess? I have Logical, Musical, and Interpersonal intelligences. As I said in myy previous post, I'm a good problem solver, this is similar to being logical, as in, I use my common sense to judge and solve problems. Friends also find that I'm someone who they can easily talk to, and I usually try my best to relate back, so I'm interpersonal. I'm also musical because I'm good a music and musical instruments (although, I can't sing to save my life... :o ). I enjoy playing my piano and my guitar, and I sometimes create my own music.

   What careers would suit my results? 
-Lawyer (to use my logical common sense) 
-Cousellor (to give people advice; interpersonal)
My guuuiiatttarrss.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

5. Learning Skills

   What is my style of learning? My style of learning is visual. I find it that I learn better by, taking notes and by watching something being done first before I do it myself. I remember when I was younger and I didnt know how to dive in swimming. I had to watch the person do it many times before I was able to do it myself. 

What careers would suit my results?
-Graphics Designer
-City Planner
-Certain types of scientists

These jobs are basically all jobs I can do where I can express my ideas visually, instead of say, physically.
Bronze Med from swimming.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

6. Personality Type

   What type(s) of personality do I have? Results from my personality quiz showed that I'm artistic and investigative. I can prove this because I like the arts. Earlier, I stated that I liked music. I also enjoy other types of art too, like painting and sketching. I can also be dramatic at times, and I enjoy role-playing games. I'm investigative because I like finding out how things work. I do this mainly by reading and researching which I enjoy (and I've also said in previous posts). I also do this sometimes by taking apart things and putting them together, like I sometimes do in class, with my pens and pencils. 

What careers would suit my results?

Engineer and artist I'm sure are careers that you could understand. I also chose biologist because I like the study of living things, and dissecting things to me is kind of like finding out of a system works, which is investigative :) .

A sketch I did years ago..

Monday, July 2, 2012

7. Work Preferences

   What are my work preferences? My work preferences are being innovative and methodical. "Innovative people like creating different ways to solve things and enjoy scientific subjects." This applies to me because I love science, and if something does work, I try try again until you solve the problem. "Methodical people like clear rules and keeping on a schedule." This applies to me because like I stated in a earlier post, I like being organized, thus keeping a schedule. I hate doing work last minute, but sometimes that happens.. so I learned to be a good time manager too. 

What carers would suit my results?
-Scientist (lab worker, biologist, astronomer, social scientist etc)
-Engineer (different ways to solve things)
-Analyst (looking into information)
Science; chemistry

Sunday, July 1, 2012

In conclusion..

  As you can see... The careers I resulted in varied. However, I'd like a job in the sciences as that is something I enjoy doing. Please keep in mind, that with time, my opinion of things could change. I hope you have learned about me, and enjoy the rest of your day :)
Thank you :)